Thala Ajith Kumar, the popular actor and race car driver, recently survived a serious car crash during a practice session in Dubai. The incident occurred while Kumar was behind the wheel of his Porsche 992, which lost control and collided with a boundary. Despite the visible damage to the vehicle, Kumar emerged from the crash without injury.
The incident quickly garnered attention and fans were worrying about Kumar’s well-being. However, his racing team manager, Fabian Duffieux, promptly shared images on social media stating, “Ajith is safe, without a scratch and that’s the most important.”
He added, “Today was another reminder that the journey of learning never ends. No matter the setback, our passion for racing pushes us to keep going, to keep improving, and to keep learning from every experience. The road ahead is still full of lessons, and we are ready to face them all as a team, as a family.”
The incident occurred as part of Kumar’s preparations for the upcoming 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race, set to take place on January 11-12, 2025. The actor had been practicing for the event in the days leading up to the accident on January 7. The crash, however, does not seem to have derailed his readiness for the highly anticipated endurance race.